Wednesday, January 25, 2006

two of a kind

m night shymalan has an interesting take on people. in unbreakable he puts forth a theory that for every individual on this earth, there is an exact opposite. so for every evil black guy out there, there is an honest to god white man to keep the balance. and everyone should make a concerted effort to meet this personality if only to get enlightened on how the other side works...
the concept is quite intriguing, it gives a completely new twist to the tried and tested "opposites attract".
like, i always wonder, are all people in a relationship really at diametrically opposite ends of the spectrum? i for one don't think so. i think two people who come together are arguably more alike at the core than they would like to believe. and i'm referring to relationships that make it here.
which is why one is often caught wondering "what do those two see in each other?" see being the operative word, they are actually seeing things you and i can't and never will see. that's why some of the unlikeliest couples make it while the ones you thought were "made for each other" don't!

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