Tuesday, March 23, 2010

shut shop

Let me first say that I love Leonardo diCaprio because he's an intelligent actor and does things to save the environment. I still love him after watching Shutter Island because I think he didn't quite expect the film to turn out the way it did. Did Scorsese know what the outcome was going to be? I don't think so, but getting back to the film-- it had a superb beginning and a lousy ending. The story revolves round an island for the criminally insane which is doing experiments on mad people a la Coma etc, and Leo poor boy goes to investigate. The film has a climax on the lines of Sixth Sense, with many juvenile sub-plots going on in between. Watch if you're a Leo fan and Scorcese buff. Don't watch if you're expecting something between the ears. Coz it all comes out a hodge podge of good bad and ugly!


Jan said...

My daughter was telling me about this movie only last week. Seems you both have the same opinion so I'll wipe it off my 'to-do' list

amr mettwally abd elhafeez said...

very impressive post
do not miss my post