Wednesday, May 12, 2004

diabolical divas

A very good friend of mine who now lives in Singapore was chatting with me one day. And we got around to "so what are you reading right now?" She on the off chance that I might get logged out in a hurry rattled off a series of authors' names and the one that registered was Margaret Atwood. I browsed through the bookstores (I was living in Bangalore then) with the other avid reader I know,(friend of mine who buys books each time she returns home from work), and chanced upon Dancing Girls. It was a collection of short stories on different women in different situations. I thought the concept was interesting then, so i picked it up. I was actually looking for Robber Bride at the time... but did not find it. DG proved to be engaging -- at that point in my life I was a short story buff, though the Atwood that really blew me over was Blind Assassin. I found it in my neighbourhood library last week and picked it up on a whim. And what a great time I had with it. I have always liked books with dark undertones... I somehow don't like reading (or for that matter hanging out)with people who are as pure as the driven snow. And BA was pure evil! It was the saga of 2 sisters and right until the end you never did know who was the good one and who was the bad. I liked that-- the mystery. Also, often in my life, I find myself asking... why are all the women, that I love spending time with, diabolical divas? My mother surmises that it's because I was born to one!!I rest my case.

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