Monday, May 17, 2004

what drunk means to people watching

I found out something interesting today. Supposedly the first thing that excessive alcohol does to you is reduce your power of "self-observation". This means that the moment you get slightly high, your image gets highly distorted and you say things like: Don't look at me as if I am drunk/I am not drunk/I am not fat/I feel grreat...
You start to feel more sociable, you begin to talk too much, you get confrontational, all this because you have crossed the line where you are able to judge yourself.
Research says you know that you are an alcoholic when you find yourself applying rules to your drinking bouts... Like --I will only drink on weekends/after 7pm/never alone, only with friends...This means you sense a danger and are trying to pretend it doesn't exist.
I have often encountered sitautions where I have met people who love their drinks so much that they dont' want to stop. And if you are the kind that loves your ONE glass of wine and then a good meal, you are left twiddling your thumbs and throwing back more than you care to have if only to avoid the "c'mon, just one more. Give me company..." routine:(
(Rules can be bent for special friends)

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