Sunday, October 31, 2004

cagey musings

a wow ending always makes a hit, i heard nicholas cage say this in adaptation and thought it was a very powerful statement. in his case he was talking about a movie script but it holds so true for life too. its the end that finally makes sense of the beginning and the middles...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


my favourite TV serial soundtrack as of now: Boston Public on star's riveting to say the least

Thursday, October 21, 2004

from amsterdam with love

Close your eyes Think about your favourite song Imagine all of your favourite colours Think of magic and mythical creatures Open the gate to your imagination Step into your own fantasy world Remember old stories you used to love Think of your dreams Build your world No limits, no rules Only your imaginationLove your most impossible dreams As real as they'll ever get..
-----by Bijtje sitting in amsterdam who is tired of being mistaken for an american all the time

two much

the most bizarre thing just happened, found that a girl in the Phillipines and I are going through the very same thoughts at this point in our lives. it was hair-raising, i chanced upon her blog and found myself reading my experiences... 2 complete strangers, in two corners of the world, wow!! what if one person's life story was in fact another person's story too... what an interesting script this idea would make!
PS:and what if they should meet?

Sunday, October 17, 2004


each time i see The Life Of David Gale, i know it is one of my best movies ever. yes am partial to kevin spacey but the movie is riveting and such an eye-opener.
do you believe strongly in anything to die for?


which one's worse i say
a) stupid person
b) workin for a stupid person
c) stupid person with attitude

Saturday, October 16, 2004

good v/s bad

everyone makes films on good v/s evil, but isn't the good v/s bad theme far more riveting. i for one have just had one of the most eye-opening adventures of my tiny life here on earth. i took up a cause because i believed in it, put everything on the line, and i fought! the experience is doubly sweet because i am up against a "power". but when you fight with an urge in your spirit to just see justice for once, you can actually win. i must now run and see bhagat singh! i'm feeling a bit like him for the first time ever!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Ash v/s sush

Who is sexier Ash or Sush? All the intellectuals say Sush while the rest of the world prefers Ash.
I for one have always liked Sush :-)
She's not a hypocrite, adopted a daughter instead of a boyfriend and takes risks with roles!
I like...

Sunday, October 03, 2004

sunday sightings

saw In America today, and found it extremely moving. everyone i know is heading there or wants to head there. you can understand the quest for a buzz- financial or emotional- but what happens when you are actually there and find yourself watching bollywood movies to feel at home. that's what most people i know do there. they wouldn't give shah rukh time of day here, but there, he's God! amen to that.

you are only as good as your last blog

hic; hic
since am now writing for a living, find i can't write for free. yikes!!