Monday, June 13, 2005

art of the matter

Gordon MacKensie, the former “creative paradox” at Hallmark Cards, tells of visiting public schools to talk about art.
When he asks kindergartners, “How many of you are artists?” all the children raise their hands.
Among first graders, a third of the hands no longer go up.
Half of the second graders raise their hands.
By fifth grade, no hands go up.
In six years, school has managed to beat the creativity out of its pupils

Sunday, June 12, 2005

film feisty

decided to take some time off from hollywood and catch up on some foreign films...

caught two this weekend, y tu mama tambein, and malena.

the first is an old favourite, had seen it 2 years ago, and loved it. its the story of two guys, a girl, and a long journey. it's a hot film as a lot of foreign films usually are, but it conveys a message far far beyond "skin show". it talks of betrayal, death, destruction, and wrong turns... must watch.

malena too was quite a handful... again, hot scenes dominated, but what stayed were the images of war widows and hasty bargains we all make in the hope that all will be well in the end. more often than not, the price is too high to pay. a brilliant depiction of obsession, and hypocrisy that exists in a war torn society.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish, he'd go away

As I was sitting in my chair,
I knew the bottom wasn't there,
Nor legs nor back, but I just sat,
Ignoring little things like that.

------"Antigonish", by Hughes Mearns.

Friday, June 03, 2005


i am feeling rather confuzzled of late... all because of the woots around me. at first i attributed it to cognitive displaysia or gription, or maybe even my current display of "dunandunate"... but this wannabe whinese of mine is courtesy the polkadodge i play each time i go to the water cooler...
have i lost it? no i simply found merriam websters favourite words not in a dictionary.

confuzzled (adj): confused and puzzled at the same time

woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement

cognitive displaysia (n): the feeling you have before you even leave the house that you are going to forget something and not remember it until you're on the highway

polkadodge (n): the pseudo dance when two people attempt to pass each other, each moving in the same direction

dunandunate (v): to overuse a word or phrase that has been recently added to one's vocabulary

whinese (n) a language spoken by children or spouses on long road trips